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I Launched The Update Boss
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Is there a new type of pandemic in the workplace? People seem to be disengaged and unmotivated in their jobs, others are “quiet quitting” and doing the bare minimum to barely scrape by and not get fired, and more and more people are directing their attention, time, and money to master their work-life balance.
In their 2024 State of the Global Workplace report, Gallup estimates that employee disengagement cost the global economy around $8.9 trillion in GDP in 2023. They report that 23% of employees felt actively engaged in the workplace, which is an all-time high (in 2009 the percentage of engaged employees was merely 12%).
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At the same time, employee well-being declined, as only 34% of employees reported thriving in their workplace. However, just like with employee engagement, this number remains at a steady high for the last five or so years. So, why are more and more people “quiet quitting” or thinking about leaving their jobs?
As Gallup suggests, the mental well-being of employees is what stagnates motivation and daily productivity. According to their research, daily stress is still higher than the pre-pandemic average, and 20% of employees reported experiencing significant loneliness. As people are less happy in general, they’re less likely to feel motivated in the workplace.
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We sometimes think that an unmotivated worker is a bad worker. But good workers can become unmotivated, too. That’s why companies spend thousands of dollars to keep the talent they have happy with various perks, bonuses, and other incentives. According to Indeed, there are two types of motivation in the workplace: one that comes from the outside, and another, from the inside.
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